Business Coaching

Business Coaching

One-On-One Business Coaching Focused On Your Business Challenges

The role of a manager is always challenging. In turbulent times, especially, the pressure is constant, and a good leader needs to be smart, assertive and flexible to manage the transitions and complex circumstances of the workplace.

Private coaching helps you unwind your business challenges and position strategies to reach your vision and objectives. Directors, managers, supervisors and other organizational leaders may confidentially relate their hurdles, gain resources for next-step plans and problem-solve.

As your business coach, I will become your trusted advisor, serving as a sounding board and a guide to establishing constructive relationships that lead to professional development. Through a tailored approach, we will focus inward to explore the potential to reach your goals.

Coaching started in the business world to help stressed out executives cope with their professional and personal lives, and it still thrives in the corporate environment. But, increasingly, individuals are turning to coaches for help with every sort of problem.

Boston Globe

Business Coaching

Through my honest, non-judgmental feedback, you will learn and develop practices that drive performance, explore new options and build avenues for increasing positive encounters with colleagues.


Helps you keep the promises you make to yourself

Focused and On Track

Keeps you focused and on track to achieve what is important to you

Build Productive Relationships

Helps you devise and carry out a practical plan to build productive relationships

Follow Through

Works on a system that allows consistent follow through

Balances Your Committments

Balances and prioritizes your many commitments, defining what’s important as opposed to what can wait

Thorough business coaching you will:

Confer about private information that cannot be shared with anyone at work or home

Improve team performance

Manage a difficult team member

Improve relationships with senior management, peers or team members

Delegate more effectively

Manage stress

Become more organized

Bring more innovation into the organization

Set and achieve new goals

Flexible scheduling allows sessions to be divided and billed in 15-minute increments, by phone or in person, to suit your timetable. Let’s clarify your goals and explore what’s possible with a coaching partnership, starting with an initial confidential phone conversation.